Founders Cigar Company Appoints Houssam Yaacoub as Broker to Represent Nevada Territory
Houssam “Sam” Yaacoub joins Founders Cigar Company as a broker for Nevada, bringing extensive HR experience and a deep passion for cigars showcased on his popular Instagram.
Founders Cigar Company Expands its Presence in the Midwest with the Appointment of Joshua Scarver as Broker
Founders Cigar Company welcomes Joshua Scarver as an independent broker for Wisconsin and Illinois, bringing industry expertise and a community-focused ethos to the team.
Founders Cigar Company Welcomes Danica Baird
Danica Baird joins Founders Cigar Company as an independent broker, bringing extensive experience as a certified Master Tobacconist and cigar artisan.
Guide to Cigar Wrappers: A Comprehensive Exploration
Cigar enthusiasts know that a cigar’s wrapper is essential to its overall flavor, aroma, and appearance. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of cigar wrappers, exploring their origins, types, and characteristics to help you better appreciate these exquisite works of art. A Brief Introduction to Cigar Wrappers The cigar wrapper is the outermost […]
Cigar Lounge Etiquette
As cigar enthusiasts, we understand the allure of spending time in a cigar lounge. However, whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of cigars, it’s essential to adhere to cigar lounge etiquette to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved. This comprehensive guide will give you everything you need to know about proper […]
How to Light a Cigar
The second fundamental skill after cutting a cigar is how to light a cigar. This can seem like a daunting task, with many different ways to get the job done. Some traditionalists swear by wood matches or using cedar strips. Others use plain Bic or Zippo lighters (non-butane). There are debates whether using lighter fluid […]
How to Cut a Cigar
If you are new to cigars, how to cut a cigar is one of the first things you will learn. Cutting a cigar can be a daunting task for the first time. Often, when I am with someone fresh into their love of cigars, the first questions are always how to cut a cigar immediately […]
Operation: Cigars for Warriors Cigar Donation, #1 Requested Item by U.S. Troops
Operation: Cigars for Warriors What is Operation: Cigar for Warriors? The two most requested items to be sent overseas by U.S. service members are coffee and, you guessed it, cigars. I am positive that alcohol would be high on this list as well, if that was even remotely accepted. Being a Veteran Owned cigar brand […]
Minnesota’s Largest Cigar Party
8th Annual Cigars & Baseball Wednesday, September 15, 2021 – 4:30pm to 8:30pm We are excited to announce our partnership with Cigars & Baseball, Minnesota’s Largest Cigar Party. Founders is joining the already impressive lineup of premium cigar brands at this years’ event located at CHS Field, home of the St. Paul Saints in the […]