Founders Cigar Company Appoints Houssam Yaacoub as Broker to Represent Nevada Territory
Houssam “Sam” Yaacoub joins Founders Cigar Company as a broker for Nevada, bringing extensive HR experience and a deep passion for cigars showcased on his popular Instagram.
Founders Cigar Company Expands its Presence in the Midwest with the Appointment of Joshua Scarver as Broker
Founders Cigar Company welcomes Joshua Scarver as an independent broker for Wisconsin and Illinois, bringing industry expertise and a community-focused ethos to the team.
Founders Cigar Company Welcomes Danica Baird
Danica Baird joins Founders Cigar Company as an independent broker, bringing extensive experience as a certified Master Tobacconist and cigar artisan.
Cigar Lounge Etiquette
As cigar enthusiasts, we understand the allure of spending time in a cigar lounge. However, whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of cigars, it’s essential to adhere to cigar lounge etiquette to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved. This comprehensive guide will give you everything you need to know about proper […]